Knox Fishing Club
All types of fishing & competition. Fishing trips range from day, weekends & week long trips. Fishing club meets fornightly. (Wednesday nights from 8pm)
The club supports Tag and Release of fish and responsible taking of fish for consumption.
The Knox Club Sport Fishing Club was formed in September 1986, by a group of 10 Knox Club members who saw the potential for a fishing club. From this small group grew a membership of over 80 within the next fifteen months. The club has now been operating for over twenty years and has a very solid base of keen anglers.
A variety of fishing is accommodated for with sixteen different trips on the syllabus each year. These outings are mixed between Surf, River, Lake, Estuary and Blue Water. Trip duration depends on destination and can be one day, two days or five days. The camping weekends are a big hit with the families. We have both a Senior and Junior Competition running over a twelve month period starting on the 1st of July each year with a presentation Dinner Dance following soon after.
Meetings are held at The Knox Club every second Wednesday at 8 PM. All inquiries and visitors welcome.
For more information on events, results, rules and regulations go to the Knox Club Sport Fishing Club website
Brian Ellis
0412 068 447